
We—The United States—are still growing more timber than we cut every year.
Timber is a renewable natural resource. It is an agricultural crop and if we are
“Good Stewards” with our timber resources, they—unlike oil, gas, or coal—will continue indefinitely.

The large high quality trees in a stand are usually making the landowner the most money
while they are growing. They are usually the superior trees and create the best
seedlings—regeneration—for the future.

Thinning a stand is needed only to provide optimal stocking. A stand that is too thin does not maximize the yield per acre.

Selecting any tree to cut by diameter alone is not a select cut. It is a diameter cut. Even though this is the most common practice—it does not maximize yield.

58% or 16.8 million acres of Pennsylvania is forest land.
29% of the timberland in the United States is owned by governments.
Pennsylvania has one of the highest quality hardwood forests in the world.
